Black Woman



How To Fall Asleep Fast:

1. Develop a sleep routine (aka sleep hygiene)

2. Relax, detach and find calming techniques (i.e meditation)

3. Attempt Mindfulness for sleep (i.e. Binaural Beats may help!)

4. Create the proper sleep environment (for you)

5. Do not force sleep (you sleep faster by not trying to sleep faster!)

6. Improve sleep with diet and exercise (your day can make or break sleeping fast)

1. Develop a sleep routine (aka sleep hygiene)

Creating and maintaining a consistent and daily routine aid in improving your sleep. A good sleep routine consists of having a set time to start closing down the day and winding down. This is the stage where it is also key to have a way to relax.

Getting to bed and even getting up at fixed times is also part of a good sleep routine. Your sleep routine should be the same every day, and this includes weekends.

2. Relax, detach and find calming techniques (i.e meditation)

Your sleep routine has already started before you finally get into bed, so make space in your schedule to start relaxing before bed.

Activities such as reading, listening to soft music, a podcast or sleep meditation can all assist when you have trouble sleeping.

3. Attempt Mindfulness to fall asleep fast (i.e. Binaural Beats may help)

Some top issues that occupy the mind are anxiety, worry and stress. These types of things will affect how well we sleep and even how to fall asleep fast. There are ways to help you deal with these things such as talking to someone you trust of your worries, or setting time aside before bed to plan for the next day.

Another very effective way to tackle a racing or distracted mind is a mindfulness technique called reframing. You can reframe unhelpful thoughts. See more about Reframing and CBT techniques here!

4. Create the proper sleep environment (for you)

In general, quiet, dark, and cool are best ways most people can doze off. The right sleep environment is personal and you have fun with this and experiment on what works best for you.

As some helpful starting points, quiet, dark and cool is good. Another one is silence. Wearing earplugs or putting your devices on silent or even out of your room can keep the place and your mind more quiet.

Though silence is golden for sleep, sound can also help. Some people find that music and sounds for sleep like rainfall, gentle music or soft white noise helps them. Youtube is AMAZING for this!

5. Do not force sleep (you sleep faster by not trying to sleep faster!)

If you’re lying awake and can’t sleep, don’t force it. When you’re tired and are enjoying feeling relaxed, sleep may naturally happen!

If it so happens that you just cannot sleep however, get up and sit in a comfortable place and begin a relaxing activity like reading a book or calming music. Head back to bed when your feeling sleepier than before.

6. Improve how to fall asleep with diet and exercise

Healthy diets and regular exercise helps us relax and get better sleep as a result. This can be helpful in how to fall asleep fast. Oppositely bad eating and little to no exercise can hinder the speed and quality of sleep we get.

Avoiding large meals, caffeine, alcohol or nicotine before bed will help. Generally these things should be avoided 1-2 hours before bed. Some of these are stimulants and are a common cause of sleep problems.